The smart industry is revolutionising how products are manufactured, distributed, reused, and recycled. Through innovations in 3D printing, automation, 世界一流的专业技术支持下的数据分析正在为绿色转型设定基准.

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Key Points in Swedish Industry:

  • 创新与合作:我们建立全球联盟,加速向气候中性能源过渡.
  • 可持续生产:我们利用技术和循环经济原则,最大限度地减少浪费和优化使用.
  • 工业技术:我们在系统集成和数字解决方案方面的专业知识使ag体育官网成为工业4.0的领导者.0, from IoT to AI.

Business Sweden brings together multinational companies, start-ups, and industry organisations to push the boundaries in the industrial sector. 你准备好踏上通往互联低碳未来的旅程了吗?